A Few Tips That Can Increase Your Email Open Rates


When it comes to email marketing, the content of the email itself may not even be the most important part of your campaign. Have you ever received an email with a cheesy, irrelevant or obviously exaggerated subject line? Does it make you want to open the email? Likely not. How can you expect your email marketing campaign to be successful if your subscribers never even open your email? Simple answer: you can’t. That’s why subject lines of email are so incredibly important. Only 19% of people open their work emails with only 23% who open their personal emails; it’s clear that they weren’t intrigued enough by the majority of the email subject lines they saw to click open the message. You don’t want your email to be left unopened. Here are a few tips that can increase your email open rates:


  • Relevance to your subscriber
  • Attractive subject line
  • Send the email on the right day and time
  • Use correct spelling and grammar
  • Use a conversational rather than corporate tone
