Optimizing Your Blog SEO


If you're new to blogging, SEO seems foreign. Once you learn the basics, they apply to all plugins, just in different formats. Grab your coffee for a quick read about backend links. Let's get right to it.

Focus Keywords and Key phrases

These words are the most important for search engines as well as for Google users to find your website resources. The five places to add your focus keywords are:

  • Title 
  • Post Slug
  • Meta Description
  • First paragraph
  • Image Alt Tags

We'll access the first three.

Title / SEO Title

Write your title with an accurate reflection of the content in 55 characters or less. Use dashes but do not underscore (no search_engine). The format takes the form of the primary key phrase, the secondary keyword, and brand name or location.

Post Slug

This tag does two things. One, it describes the content to audiences. Two, it tells search engines whether or not your page is relevant to a search. Post links are user friendly and are the URL name of a post. They are formed based on the SEO title.

Meta Description

It's a 150 to 160 character summary of your article that gives a compelling reason to click and read more. Google cuts quotes and non-alpha characters (no %, &, etc.) from meta descriptions, so leave those out.

Always optimize your content.

Revising your SEO can make the difference in post-performance and discoverability.
