Write Subject Lines that Lead to Higher Open Rates


Most people read emails from their mobile devices. Thus, subject lines made with mobile in mind have increased open rates.


Short subject lines optimize email readability. The lowest number of characters supported by popular gadgets is 41. The highest is 70. This character limit helps you avoid spam words and clickbait headlines. So, you communicate the essence of a message like, "We Shipped Your Order."

Share Clear Value

Curiosity is not as effective in crowded inboxes. Try to give contacts an idea of what to expect when they open your email. According to studies, showing clear value has higher open rates. 

Use Personalization

Personalization is not limited to names: it extends to birthdays, anniversaries, surveys, thank you's, and info about site interaction. These emails ask nothing or very little of readers and have a high chance of engagement. And high open rates keep you out of spam folders.

Use Emojis

Emojis do not fit into the branding of all companies. Thus, using emojis helps your emails stand out. Try A/B testing with your subject lines to see which approach works.

All lowercase subject lines

To avoid spam catchers, marketers do not use all uppercase subject lines. The popular alternatives are title-case and sentence-case capitalization. The least used is all lowercase characters. Like emoji usage, lowercasing all the subject line characters can make you stand out. This tactic is another one to run A/B testing.

If you follow the tips we set out, you can get higher open rates with your subject lines.

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