Skyrocket Sales From Your Newsletter


Copywriting is a skillful craft that combines writing with marketing to drive sales. It’s used to increase brand awareness and to persuade people to buy something. Your promotional newsletters are a form of copywriting - so here's how to make the most of it.

Subject line

Subject lines are powerful. A good subject line is like a compelling news headline. Step into your audience's shoes for a minute. Ask yourself: what would entice you to open an email?

Subject lines work because they are short, inviting and leave the readers wondering. They should convey urgency in the case of sales offers. Research your success with different subject line styles and A/B testing.

Appeal to subscribers

Open rates decline when you don't write for your audience, so stop writing for your pleasure. Think of your ideal buyers: who are they and what gets under their skin?

Apply pressure to pain and pleasure points

When you know your audience, you can hit their pain and pleasure points. You know what they love and what they try to avoid. Having these elements in your content is how you get readers to buy your products.

  • Pain points: talk about how your product doesn't compromise their values.
  • Pleasure points: give promo codes, special offers or sale discounts to your email audience.

As you do this, scatter a few "Buy Now" buttons and backlinks throughout the email.

If you haven't made money from your email list yet, all is not lost. In the long run, consider an email copywriting course. For a quick fix, try these easy tips.

Dataczar Connect is an all-in-one marketing solution that allows you to build a beautiful website with ease, create campaigns in a few clicks, and make branded marketing materials in a matter of minutes. There’s no coding or hidden costs. In just 5 easy steps, you’ll have your own domain for your business or brand and begin connecting with prospects through omnichannel marketing and content creation.
