Easy Tips to Grow an Engaged Instagram Community


Let's uncomplicate the act of growing an active Instagram account.

Humanize your brand

Beautiful branding doesn't mean anything if people don't know who you are. When building an engaged community, let people know that there's a person behind the brand. Create an "about me/us" page on your website and add your headshot to your display photo.

Get to know your followers

For at least 30 minutes a day, interact with your audience. Reply to messages, comment on posts (they tag you in), and interact on their Story polls and questions. The key here is to be human, not robotic. Make them feel seen and heard by going beyond typical emoji responses.

Create content for your ideal audience

Define your niche and who you serve. A specific focus makes it easy for you to create targeted content that your community wants to find. When producing content, ask yourself:

  • What answers does my audience need?
  • What do they need help to solve?

Allow your audience to influence your content

Ask your followers what they want to see next. Head to Stories and post a poll or a question. Or check your insights to see what audience members interacted with the most. This action generates tons of content ideas. It also lets your followers know that you care about their opinions.

Share free value

Providing free value such as e-books, training, and webinars gets your audience attention. It will get your followers excited to leave comments and feedback.

An engaged community happens because of effort, genuine connection and organic content. If you master these things, your audience can grow pretty fast.

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