Be a Person of Action
"If a man is lucky, it is impossible to predict the magnitude of his wealth. Throw him into the Euphrates, and he will emerge with a pearl in his hand." ~ Babylonian proverb
We all want to be lucky. But, the harsh reality is that preparation attracts luck. While discussing luck in the Richest Man in Babylon, George Clason mentions chance. He is also quick to point out that that luck helps those who work hard. Clason sees luck as a good opportunity presented to a worker to make money.
All work doesn't generate the same amount of luck. Someone's good fortune can result in a high school football coaching job. But Lionel Messi's good luck got him paid millions from brand sponsorships. To ensure greater profits when you get a good opportunity, observe your industry: What is in high demand; or how do people want to spend their money?
Once you find a skill that interests you and is in high demand, document your journey to become an expert. Learn this skill in public as this learning style develops your brand. When people become fans of your brand, companies take notice, which creates opportunities for you to monetize your skill.
We live in a golden age where skills and creativity can pay your bills. You can make it happen by getting known for something. The more people know, like, and trust, the more opportunities you have to earn thousands of dollars.
Loving the financial tips shared in each summary? Read ahead! Here's a link for easy access to Richest Man in Babylon.
This article is part of our Business Coaching blog series. At Dataczar we talk to a lot of small businesses. We’ve found a few books that we keep recommending time and again. To better help our customers, we’ve added a Reading List for Small Businesses to our website. We encourage every small business owner to read and keep these timeless business books on their office shelf.