Spotlight On: Cheryl Ginnings Consultant & Coach
For this Business Spotlight, we catch up with Cheryl of Cheryl Ginnings Consultant & Coach.
What does your business offer?
Coaching for caregivers and parents of special needs. Consulting with organizations who provide these services. Speaking and writing about issues that we all face. I am a coach who helps caregivers who are stressed out and overwhelmed, so that they can find their voice and take care of themselves. I help people to speak up and express what they need.
How does your business use Dataczar?
A website and a place to connect with others. I offer free materials and have shared them with people who want to know that they are not alone.
What inspired you to start your business?
Having a son with cerebral palsy, our family was surprised by all of the needs that suddenly appeared. We fought for everything he needed and our in-laws made life even more difficult at times. I discovered that talking about this opened the door to finding others with similar problems, and that we all needed the same things. It is apparent that more people will need to care for their parents as more baby boomers are retiring. It could be easier to know how to prepare, but few people share the challenges that they face. The needs of spreading the words of hope and caring for caregivers seemed to grow and grow.
What is your business' biggest win?
The biggest win is when I was asked to host a radio program about caregiving challenges. I was shocked others knew about this. This led to three years of interviewing others about how they were able to handle the issues, what lessons they learned, and how we need to share with younger ones coming behind us. The other wins were offers to be in pray.com (channel/courage-2-overcome) and to write a course about this by NYU's continuing ed.
What was your business' biggest challenge?
I think most people do not realize that they are not alone. They assume that others never feel the way that they do. Since friends and some family leave when there are caregiving challenges, they often feel alone. I want them to know that they are not alone.
Tell us something interesting/fun about your business.
It is great to be able to relate to families who share the same challenges and help them know that they are not alone. My favorite serendipity has been the interviews and guests that I have met who are spreading the word about this terrific need.
What’s the most popular service that you offer?
Free information about problems that families face with special needs children.
Anything else you would like to share about your business?
Since most caregivers are doing all they can to survive, I say: "Be the Voice for those who have no voice." It takes all of us to change the world's understanding of how caregiving changes families physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and in relationships.