The Role of Desire in Achieving Success
We all have dreams and ambitions, but it takes strong desire in order to make them a reality: You have a certain aim in mind; you fantasize about it; it’s a persistent notion; it’s constantly in the forefront of your mind; and it’s a given. Yet, can it really become reality?
Desire is what ignites the fire in the innovation sector; it's what drives a person to endure, despite the ups and downs of the process. A person’s desire keeps them excited and motivated to pursue their dream - motivating them to do whatever it takes to make it a reality.
The Why is what fuels the desire. Everyone’s Why is distinct and that is what distinguishes it. What drives your passion to pursue your goals with big enthusiasm? What is the driving motivation behind your desire for this product to succeed?
If you take a close look at your life, you’ll certainly notice that everything you do is a product of your desires. This may include your designer clothing, your car, or your life partner. All of this is the outcome of your wishes. Your desire evolves into an interest and then you want to obtain that item. As a result, you must learn to control your urges. And make an effort to steer them in the correct way.
To control your desires, you must first comprehend the significance of your desires and how you obtained them. You are aware that everything begins in your head as a “thought," then progresses to “your words," and finally to “actions." So your wants are essentially ideas that you create for a variety of reasons, such as:
- By observing the lives of others
- Because you desire a more appropriate name, renown and status
- You desire a better life than the one you presently have
- Because you enjoy growth
- Because you are comparing yourself to others
There are several other causes, and it is impossible to list them all. You must seek it out on your own. Most of the time, a desire or passion is sparked by seeing and comparing oneself to others. For example, suppose you’re a writer and you enjoy the work of Napoleon Hill. “I want to be a great writer like him” (or any other fellow writer you like) will be the first thought that crosses your mind.
This article is part of our Business Coaching blog series. At Dataczar we talk to a lot of small businesses. We’ve found a few books that we keep recommending time and again. To better help our customers, we’ve added a Reading List for Small Businesses to our website. We encourage every small business owner to read and keep these timeless business books on their office shelf.