The Secret of Building High-Trust Relationships
Trust is an intriguing concept. We all know what it is and when we have it, but when we ask someone to describe it, things get a little more complicated. Furthermore, if we ask them why they do not trust someone, they may be able to point to something concrete, but it’s more probable that it’s simply a gut sense.
This hazy understanding of what trust is and how it works is problematic in business since we frequently need to develop or rebuild trust with coworkers. But, aside from simply being a decent and trustable person, how can trust truly be established?
The seventh habit in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is Sharpen Your Saw. It means complete care of your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Stephen Covey encourages regular upkeep to perform at your best. Yet, we often push to work more, and a single mom with three jobs shows you that this method doesn't work for everyone.
Having a No Harm Attitude
Having a no-harm attitude toward someone helps them to feel protected. Without it, people will continually be in a flight or fight posture, undermining any other efforts to establish confidence. If this part is missing, then other elements are meaningless. Repairing or moving past an activity that was viewed as maliciously hurtful is a tough and time-consuming task (ask any divorcee).
Being transparent is sometimes referred to as 'honesty,' yet it goes beyond simply stating the truth in certain instances. It also entails taking the time to explain your intention and reasoning, in other words - being upfront about your intentions. Being forthright about a mistake or a misjudgment is sometimes referred to as being transparent.
Being Reliable
When you are a trustworthy and reliable person, you do what you say you would do. My colleague used to refer to this as the '1:1 say-do ratio.' However, consistency is a component of dependability, which means that you act and behave in a constant manner across time. Being consistent gives individuals a sense of predictability that makes them feel comfortable while interacting with you. It's fascinating how, in many respects, working for an unpredictable employer is worse than working for a steady jerk!
Aiming for Long Term Relationships
A long-term attitude to relationships implies that you are really interested in bringing benefit to people in the long run. It's a point of view in which you prioritize the long-term success of others over a short-term or 'transactional' connection. This is clearly vital when your team members are worried, but it is also important in any trust relationship.
Learning how to properly develop trust will benefit you in all of your interactions. If you want to advance in your career, you must understand how to develop trust in the workplace. However, it is also applicable to personal relationships. When it comes to establishing trust, use a long-term approach. Be honest, keep your promises, acknowledge when you're wrong, and you'll be well on your way to being seen as trustworthy.
This article is part of our Business Coaching blog series. At Dataczar we talk to a lot of small businesses. We’ve found a few books that we keep recommending time and again. To better help our customers, we’ve added a Reading List for Small Businesses to our website. We encourage every small business owner to read and keep these timeless business books on their office shelf.