Effective Work/Life Balance Strategies


Improving the balance can benefit the overall health and well-being of employees. It can also assist to boost their morale, motivation and overall job satisfaction, resulting in better performance at the workplace. An unbalanced work situation may be the result of increased management expectations or job security worries. As a result, it's critical that efforts be done to improve this situation.

Businesses may aid employees in a variety of ways. If the employees are having difficulty striking the right balance between work and play, these following effective work-life balance strategies may be helpful.

Having More Flexibility

Flexible working hours, part-time employment, alternate working hours, and even distant working (or working from home) have all been found to significantly boost job satisfaction, motivation, and productivity.

Offering more flexible work arrangements to employees can result in lower staff turnover, higher staff retention and lower absenteeism.

Technology May Be Very Helpful

Employers may help employees achieve a better work-life balance by offering suitable technology to assist with day-to-day chores. Staff may become more organized and productive by selecting the correct IT solutions. The Staff might also benefit from collaborative tools to feel less overburdened.

Having Established Boundaries

While technology allow employees to keep up on everything, regardless of where they are, it may make it tough to leave work at the office. It might be tempting to continually check in on what’s going on at work in this 24/7, always-on world.

Making Family Time

Understanding employee family obligations are critical aspects of the work-life balance problem. Help workers to be aware of their local childcare options. Be flexible when employees need to leave the office a bit early to pick up their children from school or daycare, as this may go a long way toward boosting workplace relations and performance. It can only assist to boost staff retention, as well as reduce turnover.

Taking Annual Leave

Individuals and organizations can both benefit from annual leave. This enables employees to shut-off, de-stress, and return to the office feeling more inspired and productive. Encouraging employees to take their yearly leave and collaborating to help them to discover ways to completely disconnect (from their work) is very effective.

Employee’s physical and emotional well being, as well as general health, may be improved by employing these work-life balance measures. It can also increase their job performance by assisting workers in relaxing, re-energizing and improving staff morale.

While achieving a better work-life balance is not always simple, it's critical for businesses to do their part. Employees who are not supported by you may become anxious and unproductive, which can have a detrimental influence on the overall operation of your company.

Are you ready to learn more about how to influence others by understanding their needs? Just pick up a copy of Stephen Covey's, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People."

This article is part of our
Business Coaching blog series. At Dataczar we talk to a lot of small businesses. We’ve found a few books that we keep recommending time and again. To better help our customers, we’ve added a Reading List for Small Businesses to our website. We encourage every small business owner to read and keep these timeless business books on their office shelf.
