Balancing Content Creation and a Corporate Job
"There is no way you can pull that off; you'll experience exhaustion." This is a common response when you tell friends and family that you're balancing your 9-5 with a side hustle. However, working 6 to 9 - after completing your 9-5 days - can be rewarding, and you can do it without burning yourself out.
Fuel, Not Poison
Find an energizing content creation project. Pick a niche you can earn money from, but you would still create for free.
Passion is a joy you can't turn off for long: if you love a task, you'll enjoy every second. Maximize your creation in one weekend with batch creation. Thus, your other weekends will be for self-care and your weeknights for sleep.
Work With Your Energy
Avoid forcing yourself to work on your side hustle. Instead, go with your energy flow. You may opt to create in the mornings before work. Otherwise, make edits at night and head to bed fast to keep your energy levels high. Alternatively, assign tasks to a specific day to ensure that you have a routine to increase productivity.
Avoid Extremes
Show yourself grace and take day-offs. Burnout feels like exhaustion, stress and an emotional drain. Take the pressure off yourself - aim to improve or correct as needed, and ignore your need for perfection.
Refuel Your Drive
If you write for money, have a content creation project to inspire you. Sustainable energy comes from doing things you love, plus knowing that you can pay your bills. It makes content creation after-hours feel less like work.
Dataczar Connect is an all-in-one marketing solution that allows you to build a beautiful website with ease, create campaigns in a few clicks, and make branded marketing materials in a matter of minutes. There’s no coding or hidden costs. In just 5 easy steps, you’ll have your own domain for your business or brand and begin connecting with prospects through omnichannel marketing and content creation.