Essential Parts of a Business Email


To get the results that you desire from your emails, follow these 4 conventional but vital tips. Let go!

Effective Subject Line

The subject line should be genuine and instructive, and entice the reader to read more of the content.

Keep in mind that including a spam tagline or a long string of characters - such as $$$ - can cause it to be delivered to the junk folder.

The Salutation

The reader is evaluating you and your goals in the first few sentences, and deciding whether or not they'll continue reading. A bad impression might be created by coming across as overly formal, impersonal, or unprofessional. If you're addressing the person directly, use their name instead of "To whom it may concern." Therefore, it's always a good strategy to sound approachable but professional.

The Middle Section

Anyone who receives dozens or even hundreds of unsolicited emails will find long, wordy letters to be a huge turnoff. A page-long essay will undoubtedly prompt the receiver to close out of your email, even if they open it. Nobody's interested in (or has the time to read about) your life, so keep your message as brief and concise as possible. Your writing's objective must be obvious and communicated in a way that the reader will find engaging and relatable.

End the Email Purposefully

At the end of your email, make it obvious what you want the reader to do, but avoid becoming overbearing.  For instance:

  • Invite a response and make it obvious to hear from your subscribers using phrases like: "Please let me know your opinions" or "I look forward to hearing from you."
  • It's best to end your email with: Thank you very much, and please accept my sincere wishes (followed by your first name).

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