5 Ways to Make People Like You Anywhere


Do you want to win people's hearts and want to get welcomed everywhere? Then follow five basic and amazing ways to make people like you anywhere. The piece of enduring wisdom of Dale Carnegie's in "How to Win Friends and Influence People" offers invaluable insights for building enduring connections in the business world.

Show Interest in People

Remember, people are not interested in you but in themselves, so always talk about them. Explore their interests and hobbies, and in this way, they will like you. Talk about other people's interests because this conversation makes them like you, and they feel important. Talking about others' interests is the biggest secret to getting benefits for both sides.

Always Put on a Smile During Conversation

The main expression that you leave forever on the next person is not wearing good clothes and diamonds, but having a nice facial expression. Influence people with a smile, and always remember, smiling costs nothing during talking but creates many opportunities for you.

Call the People by Their Names

Calling people by their names works like magic in dealing with and influencing people. Invest some time and energy to concentrate on people's correct names and recall them because while talking with your employees and mechanics, calling their names makes them happy.

Be a Genuine and Good Conversationalist

To be a good conversationalist, be an active listener and talk about other people's interests. Encourage others to talk about their accomplishments and ask questions relevant to them. For instance, Dale Carnegie explains many examples of healthy conversations that build healthy relationships. The only secret of healthy conversation is listening to other's problems and accomplishments and letting them talk.

Make the Person Feel Important and Give Genuine Praise

Don't overdo flattering with your people, but offer genuine praise and appreciation. For instance, little kind phrases; would you please, and thank you's work like magic in life. While dealing with people, let them realize that they are important and you value their work.


This article is part of our Business Coaching blog series. At Dataczar we talk to a lot of small businesses. We’ve found a few books that we keep recommending time and again. To better help our customers, we’ve added a Reading List for Small Businesses to our website. We encourage every small business owner to read and keep these timeless business books on their office shelf.
