Ways to Make Anyone Like You and Be Their Leader


Building strong relationships and becoming a respected leader are essential business skills. Here are practical strategies drawing from "How to Win Friends and Influence People" to make anyone like you, and establish yourself as a leader they respect and follow.

Genuinely Show Interest in Others

People enjoy it when someone shows genuine interest in their life and ideas. For instance, you can

  • Actively listen

  • ask questions about their hobbies

  • and retain the information.

Your active attention to others shows that you appreciate them as individuals and make you respectable.


A warm and inviting environment can be created with just a smile. It helps others relax and makes you more personable. For instance, show a warm smile and a greeting that can set a positive tone for any interaction.

Remember and Use Names

The sweetest sound in the world is to listen to individuals speak their names. Make an effort to remember names and use them in conversation. This small act can significantly enhance rapport and connection. Moreover, people can feel personable with you after listening to their names in conversations.

Be a Good Listener and Encourage Others to Talk About Themselves

Encouraging others to share their stories and perspectives shows that you value their input. Being a good listener fosters trust and respect. The best way is to let others first speak and be an active listener to encourage them for more sharing.

Talk in Terms of the Other Person’s Interests

Find common ground and discuss topics that interest the other person. This creates a sense of shared understanding and respect. For instance, you can discuss the topic on the table of mutual interest with your colleagues.

Make the Other Person Feel Important

Acknowledging someone’s contributions and recognizing their value can make a significant impact. Express appreciation and highlight their strengths. Express how their community insights make your organization meet the goal and how their impact in meetings is invaluable.

Avoid Arguments

Engaging in arguments often leads to defensiveness and resentment. Instead, seek to understand and find common ground. This approach preserves relationships and fosters collaboration.

Admit Your Mistakes Quickly and Emphatically

Admit your mistakes because it demonstrates humility and honesty. It builds trust and shows that you are accountable for your actions.

Begin in a Friendly Way

Starting interactions on a positive and friendly note sets the stage for productive and respectful communication. A welcoming attitude creates goodwill and opens doors for more positive cooperation.

Let the Other Person Feel That the Idea Is Theirs

People are more likely to support ideas they feel they’ve contributed to. Encourage participation and ownership by incorporating their suggestions and feedback. For instance, if your partner gives you an idea, ask them how you can incorporate ideas to meet your goals so that they can feel valuable.


This article is part of our Business Coaching blog series. At Dataczar we talk to a lot of small businesses. We’ve found a few books that we keep recommending time and again. To better help our customers, we’ve added a Reading List for Small Businesses to our website. We encourage every small business owner to read and keep these timeless business books on their office shelf.
